Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen - 1263 Words

Pride and Prejudice’ is concerned with the equality of personhood between characters in the story. For instance, the marriage of Charlotte Lucas marriage to Mr. Collins which can be demonstrate the fact that marriage in the 19 century England, was ultimately seen as being an economic institution, dictated primarily by economic means. Miss Lucas, whom is a woman with small fortune, recognized her requirement for a wealthy husband to ensure that her social and cultural sustainment and thus, she marries Mr. Collins for whom she does not feel any loving emotion, â€Å"it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together†. Within this, Austen presents a more cynical view of marriage, that of happiness not as marital†¦show more content†¦Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s relationship can be revealed to the reader within the first few paragraphs of chapter one You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves.’’, their relationship is shown as being to be intricate and one-sided. Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet are seen as being very different people as they do not share any similarities as married couples. Mr. Bennet is seen as being a multifarious man, as he has two main hobbies in life which is reading and teasing his wife â€Å"high respect for your nerves†. Conversely, Mrs Bennet is seen as being an artless and injudicious character, as she seen as being unable to tell when she is being teased by her husband. Catherina and Edgar Linton’s marriage is seen as being attraction of status as she is only attracted to him because of his lifestyle, as Edgar can provide Catharine social security whereas Healthcliff cannot. Their marriage is portrayed as in terms of power as Catherine can be seen as desiring Edgar because of the money and the position he offers hers, which she seen as thinking as a way to better the life of Heathcliff, it is suggested that their relationship Is seen as growing from abuse as she has power of him and Edgar willingness to give her everything â€Å"You’ve made me afraid and ashamed of you†, even though with the abuse that he is experiencing, he doesn’t not leave her although with the pain that she is causing him showing his loyalty to their marriage.

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