Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Victim Blaming By The Canadian Resource Center For Victims...

What is Victim Blaming? Victim blaming is defined by the Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime as â€Å"a devaluing act that occurs when the victim of a crime is held responsible †¦ for the crimes that have been committed against them†(2). Victim blaming affects the lives of many, including both men and women. The act of victim blaming can be detrimental in many ways. It can affect the victim’s willingness to come forward and report a crime, it influences how the media and society portrays the victims, and it promotes rape culture; therefore, victims tend to blame themselves, and the offender is less likely to be held responsible. Victim Blaming can be dangerous because victims are less likely to come forward or even report a crime.This is more typical for male victims. According to the Southern Connecticut State University Sexual Assault Facts, â€Å"Men face many of the same barriers as women that prevent them from reporting abuse, but also face a different kind of stigma since many do not believe that men can be victims of dating/domestic violence†(3). Also it is reported that since men are not viewed as victims, that sexual assault against men is extremely under reported. Some forms of victim blaming can come in the form of physical harassment. As reported by the The Canadian Resource Center For Victims of Abuse, â€Å"Victims who receive negative responses and blame tend to experience great distress and are less likely to report future abuse†(5) VictimsShow MoreRelatedIs Sexting Politically Common Among Hormones Driven Teenagers Who Are Becoming More Sexually Adults?1932 Words   |  8 Pa gesvictimized. Victims of sexting scandals may be exploited and publicly humiliated if their messages are abused or misdirected. 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